As of today, I’m a whole month into my MSc – my journey into becoming a better researcher, a better student, my initial introduction to true caffeine addiction (whatever you want to call it). I’d be lying if I said it has been easy so far, but easy does not get you anywhere in life so who wants that?
This month alone I have learnt several new practical techniques, some of which I have had to carry out for the first time with very little help, but with clear instructions. I’ve found that to be the most useful way, surprisingly. I’ve learnt what works for me without excessive external influence and I’ve learnt a great deal in the process.
I’ve optimised, calibrated, succeeded and failed. I’ve also been on BBC news, a glorious five seconds of fame – it was literally five seconds but still. I attended many seminars as an undergraduate, where the speaker would describe their own experiences as a postgraduate and the times they almost pulled their hair out trying to make their experiments work. I am not expecting this to be any different for me, nor would I want it to be. Because, it is not constant success that makes a good researcher. It’s the ability to not let failure alter your passion for the research, but let it simply educate you further.
I only aim to give all that I can, in the short time that I have to complete this M.Sc., in the hopes of being the best scientist I can be – all for my bloomin’ love of science. I hope that you enjoy my intermittent rambles, should you choose to follow me on this journey.